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Tuam Tshoj lag luam wholesale Zinc Plated txiv ntseej Manufacturers - Metric Hexagon Ceev - Zhongli bolts

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Peb ib txwm tsis tu ncua muab koj cov kev pabcuam zoo tshaj plaws rau cov neeg siv khoom, thiab ntau yam kev tsim thiab qauv nrog cov ntaub ntawv zoo tshaj plaws. Cov kev siv zog no suav nrog kev muaj cov qauv tsim kho nrog ceev thiab xa mus rauIso4762 Screws,Nut Bolt Spring Washer,Headless Ob Threaded Studs , "Hloov rau qhov zoo dua!" yog peb cov lus hais tias, "Lub ntiaj teb zoo dua yog ua ntej peb, yog li cia peb txaus siab rau nws!" Hloov rau qhov zoo dua! Koj puas npaj txhij?
Tuam Tshoj lag luam wholesale Zinc Plated txiv ntseej Manufacturers - Metric Hexagon Ceev - Zhongli bolts Nthuav dav:

● Khoom siv: Tsawg carbon steel, nruab nrab carbon Steel, Alloy Steel, thiab lwm yam

● Qib: 4,6, 8, A194 2H

● Nto tiav: Plain, Dub, Zinc, Kub dip galvanizing, Dacromet, Zinc Nickel, thiab lwm yam.

● Daim Ntawv Thov: Kev tsim kho thiab kev lag luam, Kev lag luam tsheb

● Pob: Lub thawv me me, lossis 25kgs / carton, 36cartons / pallet

● Tus me nyuam: 30-60 hnub

2121 ib
2121 ib

Hex taub hau txiv ntseej

Hex Flange Ceev

Hex Structural Ceev

Hex Nylon Locking Ceev

Serrated Hex ceev

Hexagon txiv ntseej yog siv ua ke nrog screws, thiab cov duab yog hexagonal. Hexagon txiv ntseej yog siv ua ke nrog screws, bolts thiab screws los txuas thiab fasten qhov chaw.

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Product details duab:

Tuam Tshoj lag luam wholesale Zinc Plated txiv ntseej Manufacturers - Metric Hexagon Ceev - Zhongli bolts nthuav dav duab

Tuam Tshoj lag luam wholesale Zinc Plated txiv ntseej Manufacturers - Metric Hexagon Ceev - Zhongli bolts nthuav dav duab

Tuam Tshoj lag luam wholesale Zinc Plated txiv ntseej Manufacturers - Metric Hexagon Ceev - Zhongli bolts nthuav dav duab

Tuam Tshoj lag luam wholesale Zinc Plated txiv ntseej Manufacturers - Metric Hexagon Ceev - Zhongli bolts nthuav dav duab

Tuam Tshoj lag luam wholesale Zinc Plated txiv ntseej Manufacturers - Metric Hexagon Ceev - Zhongli bolts nthuav dav duab

Tuam Tshoj lag luam wholesale Zinc Plated txiv ntseej Manufacturers - Metric Hexagon Ceev - Zhongli bolts nthuav dav duab

Yam khoom Guide:

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